Lauren gave me the official geek title today at the jam as I took a break to try and update FB and tell “the world” about the radiant beauty I was witnessing as my fellow tribe members hooped their individual dances even further into my heart. At a time when I am feeling broken and drained, dancing with these amazing men and women, as well as being a spectator filled me for these 2 hours with a sense of reprieve.
In awe I watched Cathy P. spin her silver minis magically in rhythm with the music; AJ precisely and with fierce athleticism work off body badness, while rocking out both trees; Robbie spun twins and flew his birds with a feathery grace; Rebecca quietly moved gently, peacefully and lulled me into her dance; Patricia rocked it, as always, and her smile filled the room with the pureness of hoop joy; Vaughn filled the room with love, while hooping, while resting, just being; Lauren fully engaged with her hoop, her dance, the music, really it seemed all life…no holds barred; Pam worked twins like no one else while David joined in and at times watched in love; and Beth, as crabby as she claimed to be, flowed and flowed and flowed, like a fountain of perpetual grace.
No dance was the same. Each was different, each was uniquely beautiful and none can be compared. This is what I love most of all. Well this and that we come together to hoop for the pure love of the dance. There is, at least in my experience, no ugly competition in this forum, no person looking to be “the best”. In life it is hard to find pure moments, let alone a pure two hours like this was for me. My heart was full of love for my hooping community, for this particular jam, for the simplicity of it, for the “bigness” of it.
So to you my amazing hoop community I am grateful. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Peace and Love to each and every one of you.
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