Wednesday, December 15, 2010

With Awe and Wonder

I handed each of my boys a lifesaver, candy being a very special treat at Mama's house.  My 5 year old quickly popped it in his mouth and began to savor the sweetness, while my 3 year old took a moment to look at the round shape, odd texture and bright green color and then with a look of awe and wonder he said, " OOOO  it's beautiful!" before devouring it.  The purity of the moment was not lost on me.

A few days later while at a local restaurant having a drink with a friend, the bartender handed us a couple of Frisbees that had been promotional items from a previous night.  Without thinking much about it, I began seeing the discs as tools for object manipulation.  On my small stool I started playing with the discs in curious ways.  I didn't care what other people thought I looked like.  I got lost in the purity of the circular motion of the discs and how my wrists, hands, arms, all the way to my shoulders and head could move them in particular ways in rhythm with the music.  I remember having a quick thought back to the lifesaver moment, "OOOO its beautiful".  

It is this way with the hoop for me when I am lost in flow, or in those moments of pe*A*ce (rhythmic balance between the hoop and hooper).  I feel blessed to experience these amazing sensations so vividly and frequently due to the teacher(s) I have and my own hoop practice.  Hooping has brought such richness to my life on levels deeper than I ever considered that first day 8+ years ago when I picked up my first hoop on the Weaver St. Market lawn.  I remember watching Vivian Spiral on that day and thinking, "OOOO its beautiful".  Little did I know the depth of that statement.  Blessings to all of you that have helped me on this journey.  

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