Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Performance Anxiety

This coming Sunday will be my first paid performance and I am nervous as hell. I've performed before at a talent show and of course hooped in public more times than I can count, but this is different. I mean someone is paying me, ME, to hoop at a gathering for them! I'm excited, nervous, ready, and doubting myself all at the same time. I'll be hooping at Journeys, a spiritual community, which is incredibly warm and welcoming and understands that hooping is a spiritual art for me. This makes the setting much more comfortable. However, there is the feeling of not wanting to let Bill (the minister) down, not wanting to let the community down, and of course not wanting to mistakenly throw a hoop into the audience (that would be a bit embarrassing and potentially dangerous). So I'm spending the week practicing and gathering my confidence. Of course I can do this, and seriously there is not a better crowd in which to perform. This community has been so helpful to our family in many, many ways and are like family. So I practice, go inward and visualize success, look for guidance in my meditation and hoop practice and have faith that I will be all I know I can be. Wish me luck!!

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