New Year's Eve and the days leading up to it were very special this year, as we spent them with our dear friends from NYC, Tiffany, Brian and their son Kadin. Over the past several years we have tried to vacation together once a year and visit at other times throughout the year. Both of our families have similar financial situations with make for perfect vacation partners...the motto, keep it simple and very fun. This past year we both had a lot of things, financially and emotionally on our plates that did not allow for us to get together at all, except for an emergency visit from Tiff in the depths of my post partum depression. It was so wonderful and special to spend these few days with them before New Years and then to ring in the New Year with them.
On New Years Eve, magically, all of the kids were in bed before 7pm. How this happened, I have know idea, except that God, the universe, someone knew we all needed this time together without the kids. Tiffany suggested that we each speak of the worst part of 2008 and the best part of 2008 and then when we were done we would talk about our aspirations for 2009. It was an extremely cathartic evening. Ushering out demons that had haunted me quietly because I had been to afraid to speak them openly. Hearing clearly others thoughts and feelings and how they differed or affected my own. We all laughed and cried and grew closer to each other. Then we affirmed each others dreams for 2009 and further. It was completely raw, beautiful and honest. And I was once again reminded what a "true" friend is.
Last night was our annual HoopPath fire for the New Year. I wasn't sure that I would have much to say, being that I had really said what I needed to on New Year's Eve. So with Tim's help, I brought a hoop made out of wisteria branches with pieces of paper intertwined. On each piece of paper was written something I had talked about on New Year's Eve. Things I was ushering out, things I was grateful for, aspirations for the future. I spoke briefly of a few of these things and then read an email that I had written to Beth and Mary on River's birthday...at the exact moment of his birth. I think this was truly what I wanted to offer. To acknowledge them publicly for their amazing friendship and also to say thanks to all of my friends for their support over the last year. I feel the need to do that once more here. So I will copy the letter below:
Hi My Dear Dear Friends,
Do you remember where you were exactly one year ago today? You, Tim, Sarah, Ellen and me were in the process of birthing a beautiful baby boy. And you, Tim, me and a host of others began a long journey to bring both he and me to a healthy place a year from when I stood in the bathroom of the birthing center...sure he would never be born, but having the most incredible support to carry me through and encourage me despite the exhaustion. Now this silly boy sits here with me still nursing happily at my breast and I feel so much gratitude to his godmama and earthmama (the two of you).for your strength when mine was faltering, for your constant love and friendship, for giving me a place to go through labor, for standing by me and my family. I love you both immensely.
Tonight I will look through all the amazing pictures Beth took of the whole experience....what an great record for me to remember (and although you face does not appear in the photos, you are in everyone because you took so much care in shooting them). I don't know how to properly thank anyone for the gifts over the past year, but in particular, my two amazing Maidan sisters who carried me like Ahna carried Saza on her back.
Love to you both always, but especially today.
Bonnie (and River Song)
So I suppose I've rambled quite a bit in this post. And what does it have to do with hooping you may ask? Well from my perspective everything. Like the hoop, the year has come full circle, and now we begin again...or continue on in the journey. The miracle of the circle, of the hoop. No beginning, no end. Just a journey that we all are on, the question being how do you choose to travel on that journey?
On New Years Eve, magically, all of the kids were in bed before 7pm. How this happened, I have know idea, except that God, the universe, someone knew we all needed this time together without the kids. Tiffany suggested that we each speak of the worst part of 2008 and the best part of 2008 and then when we were done we would talk about our aspirations for 2009. It was an extremely cathartic evening. Ushering out demons that had haunted me quietly because I had been to afraid to speak them openly. Hearing clearly others thoughts and feelings and how they differed or affected my own. We all laughed and cried and grew closer to each other. Then we affirmed each others dreams for 2009 and further. It was completely raw, beautiful and honest. And I was once again reminded what a "true" friend is.
Last night was our annual HoopPath fire for the New Year. I wasn't sure that I would have much to say, being that I had really said what I needed to on New Year's Eve. So with Tim's help, I brought a hoop made out of wisteria branches with pieces of paper intertwined. On each piece of paper was written something I had talked about on New Year's Eve. Things I was ushering out, things I was grateful for, aspirations for the future. I spoke briefly of a few of these things and then read an email that I had written to Beth and Mary on River's birthday...at the exact moment of his birth. I think this was truly what I wanted to offer. To acknowledge them publicly for their amazing friendship and also to say thanks to all of my friends for their support over the last year. I feel the need to do that once more here. So I will copy the letter below:
Hi My Dear Dear Friends,
Do you remember where you were exactly one year ago today? You, Tim, Sarah, Ellen and me were in the process of birthing a beautiful baby boy. And you, Tim, me and a host of others began a long journey to bring both he and me to a healthy place a year from when I stood in the bathroom of the birthing center...sure he would never be born, but having the most incredible support to carry me through and encourage me despite the exhaustion. Now this silly boy sits here with me still nursing happily at my breast and I feel so much gratitude to his godmama and earthmama (the two of you).for your strength when mine was faltering, for your constant love and friendship, for giving me a place to go through labor, for standing by me and my family. I love you both immensely.
Tonight I will look through all the amazing pictures Beth took of the whole experience....what an great record for me to remember (and although you face does not appear in the photos, you are in everyone because you took so much care in shooting them). I don't know how to properly thank anyone for the gifts over the past year, but in particular, my two amazing Maidan sisters who carried me like Ahna carried Saza on her back.
Love to you both always, but especially today.
Bonnie (and River Song)
So I suppose I've rambled quite a bit in this post. And what does it have to do with hooping you may ask? Well from my perspective everything. Like the hoop, the year has come full circle, and now we begin again...or continue on in the journey. The miracle of the circle, of the hoop. No beginning, no end. Just a journey that we all are on, the question being how do you choose to travel on that journey?
1 comment:
Bonnie, I am so moved by your blogs and photos here--this is a beautiful site. I love it! Blessings to you and your sweet family in this new year! I can't wait to see the boys again and SQUEEZE them so hard!
Love, Ann
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