Last night was the inaugural (wonderful word given the time of year) hoop class at Ladies Fitness and Wellness. We had an awesome time! In attendance, were 21 beautiful women, each with their own rhythms and movements to bring to the hoop. We spent the majority of the class working on basic core hooping at the waist, as most of the women had not picked up a hoop since childhood, if ever. It was fantastic to see each person find their own connection, struggles, bliss and more within the space of the hoop and the studio.
One of the things that I love about hooping is that anyone can do it. I mean anyone. In the HoopPath, http://www.hooppath.com there is a concept that Baxter talks about as a sort of fundemental to hooping. This is the "Belief, Strength, Grace" concept. It is true in hooping as it is in life (I'm finding most things are). One must first have the belief that they can do something, in hooping that they can accomplish "a move". The belief is the essence to all else, once it is established then comes building the strength. In reference to last night's class for some this strength means continuing to work just on increasing the amount of "flight time" (time spent with in the hoop) on the waist, for others it may be becoming fluent in both currents, and others it may just be having the stregth to pick the hoop back up each time it falls and sustain the belief that it will stay up longer and longer the more you try. Grace comes later, with fluidity of movement and thought. Last night was beautiful watching others begin to find their way into this dance.
I look forward to seing what next week brings for this group of hoopers and for me as an instructor. I am reminded of a the parenting philosphy that we are using, reminding us that we should be happy when our kids make mistakes or do something "wrong" because these are the learning moments that will last a lifetime. Isn't this true for all of us? We are each climbing up this mountain at our own pace, taking time to enjoy the beauty surrounding us, perhaps falling back a bit, but always working toward that acension that will make us better hoopers and better people.
I'm still beaming about this happy story. Look forward to dropping in on a class sometime soon!
Thank for your support Ann. Now onward to next week's class ;-)!!
I was one of those ladies at your inaugural class! Hi, it's Carrie.
I must tell you that I have become slightly obsessed with hooping since your wonderful introduction. My husband is amazed (and a little baffled) that I have hooped the last two days even though I have large bruises on my hips. I just can't stop! I am applying arnica as you suggested and I will TRY to take a day or two off! I can't wait for class next week. ~Carrie
Carrie, I'm so glad that you are having so much fun with the hoop. I swear the bruising will go away shortly. It just takes some time for your body to adjust to using the hoop. I can't wait for next week either!!! I look forward to seeing you there.
Hey Bonnie, this is Allison - I found you here from tribe! So awesome that you're teaching now.
Thanks Allison...miss seeing you
:-( hope you and Patrick are loving AZ. Fill me in whem you have time...and keep checking back..this should be a more active blog very soon!
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