On April 24Th, 2009, in San Francisco, I will be performing in a show with other flow artists with a myriad of talents. This concept was sparked by Khan, my friend and fellow hooper (along with other talents).
How did I get lulled into this show...traveling across the country to perform for free? Well it's all rather serendipitous really. Myself and several other hooping friends had gone to watch the winter dance performance at a local school. This performance is well know in the area as being quite outstanding. In fact, it is so good that we had to go to the dress rehearsal because you generally can not get seats for the actual performance nights. The show was breathtaking. During the brief intermission, we began talking excitedly about the possibility of a group of us doing something similar, with or without hoops. What would it be like to choreograph some dance pieces and then put on a show for whomever came? We all love movement. We all can obviously move. We could do this, it would be beautiful and amazing. I left the event feeling energized and thrilled at the idea of performing dance with my hoop or possibly without.
When I came home that night and checked tribe.net before bed, Khan had written a post. It began by saying: " Have you ever wondered if your performance was not fire and was not glow, if you had a blank stage, dance/theater lighting available, any kind of music you want and the freedom to fully express your inner reality in a dance with your prop, and if you were creating this for an audience that was there specifically to watch you flow — not to party/dance, not for a fashion show, not to benefit anything (except themselves and those performing) and most definitely not to watch a Man burn — what would you do? I suspect it would look different from your usual party/burn performance, but it might not (pushing into a new way seems more fun). I’d love for us to discover which it was (and sometimes why).”
I thought, wow, Khan must have been there with us in spirit, read our minds. After several responses to his blog, he came up with The Flow Show. I felt so drawn and called to be there. I don't know how we (my family and I) worked it out, but we did and I'm going to follow this dream and participate in what should prove to be a phenomenal presentation of the flow arts.
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