Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Beauty of My Tribe

Lauren gave me the official geek title today at the jam as I took a break to try and update FB and tell “the world” about the radiant beauty I was witnessing as my fellow tribe members hooped their individual dances even further into my heart. At a time when I am feeling broken and drained, dancing with these amazing men and women, as well as being a spectator filled me for these 2 hours with a sense of reprieve.

In awe I watched Cathy P. spin her silver minis magically in rhythm with the music; AJ precisely and with fierce athleticism work off body badness, while rocking out both trees; Robbie spun twins and flew his birds with a feathery grace; Rebecca quietly moved gently, peacefully and lulled me into her dance; Patricia rocked it, as always, and her smile filled the room with the pureness of hoop joy; Vaughn filled the room with love, while hooping, while resting, just being; Lauren fully engaged with her hoop, her dance, the music, really it seemed all life…no holds barred; Pam worked twins like no one else while David joined in and at times watched in love; and Beth, as crabby as she claimed to be, flowed and flowed and flowed, like a fountain of perpetual grace.

No dance was the same. Each was different, each was uniquely beautiful and none can be compared. This is what I love most of all. Well this and that we come together to hoop for the pure love of the dance. There is, at least in my experience, no ugly competition in this forum, no person looking to be “the best”. In life it is hard to find pure moments, let alone a pure two hours like this was for me. My heart was full of love for my hooping community, for this particular jam, for the simplicity of it, for the “bigness” of it.

So to you my amazing hoop community I am grateful. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Peace and Love to each and every one of you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hooping as a Healing Art

Kara Maia Spencer, is an amazing hooper and member of the hooping and healing arts communites. She has written several articles about the the healing effects of hooping including the one below. Please visit her website for more information on hooping as a healing art.

Core Hooping for Lymphatic Health
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 2:47PM
The Lymphatic SystemHooping is the art of movement with the hoop. Dance, yoga, and the spinning arts have brought a great variety of styles, techniques, tricks, and moves to hooping. While it is exciting, challenging, and fun to learn beautiful off-the-body moves, or techniques with the arms, hands, legs, and feet - I urge all hoopers to really explore their core hooping with a daily practice.

Core hooping is rotating the hoop around the primary axis of the body, the spine, abdomen, back, chest, and hips. Core hooping covers the basic moves of hooping plus provides an amazing massage of the muscles and soft tissues of the core. The hoop provides a gentle, rhythmic massage that stimulates lymphatic flow resulting in increased circulation, cellular detox, weight loss, and increased immunity.

The lymphatic system is a primary part of our tri fold circulatory system. It is responsible for waste collection, immunity, waste processing, and cell transport throughout the body. The venous flow, arterial flow, and lymphatic flow work together to circulate all the blood and lymph in our bodies. Unlike the venous and arterial circulatory flow that has it's own impulse to move, the lymphatic fluid only moves because of our bodies movement and exercise, deep breathing, and through gentle rhythmic massage.

Over 50% of our bodies lymphatic glands are in the belly, around the intestines. The next most concentrated area of lymphatic tissue is the sides of the chest, under the arms. Then there are lymphatic glands in the femoral or bikini area. Also around the neck, throat, and shoulders where the lymph drains into the bodies two main lymph ducts. It is perfect synchronicity that the lymphatic system may be wonderfully massaged by core hooping.

Core Hooping Lymph Massage Flow:
In order to stimulate the lymphatic flow and provide a wonderful lymphatic massage with the hoop, I start with hooping on my hands above my head. This provides circular range of motion movements to the shoulders and neck, stimulating the drainage of the main lymph ducts on both sides of the neck under the clavicle.

The most important thing to remember when doing this technique is to breath deeply into the belly, stimulating the back of the throat, fully expanding your diaphragm, almost breathing audibly, so as to stimulate the lymphatic drainage. Also, drink lots of water before and after hooping!

Then, I hoop around the neck, and bring my shoulders into the hoop, rotating it around my upper arms and chest. Next, lifting the arms through the hoop, allowing the hoop to rotate around my chest with my arms above. This stimulates the drainage of the lymph nodes under the sternum, the main drainage duct for the lower extremities of the body, as well as the sides under the arms, another main lymph node site.

Letting the hoop slow allows it to come down to my waist where I hoop for a long while around my core. In order to not become bored with core hooping, I will practice mudras, yoga with my hands, or just dance to my favorite music.

Slowing the hoop, allows it to drop even further and I bring the hoop to my hips, allowing the hoop to provide a lymphatic massage to the inguinal lymph nodes on both sides of the anterior pelvic region. I bring the hoop to my knees, and then spend a while playing with keeping the hoop on my thighs between my knees and hips to stimulate the thigh circulation.

Bringing the hoop back to my waist, I lift it with my hands above my head and come down to lie with my back on the floor. I hoop on each foot, alternating feet, using the circular range of motion of the feet and legs, and the force of gravity to drain the legs and stimulate circulation.

Coming back to standing, I again focus on more core hooping around the belly, then bring the hoop up under the ribs to focus on the thoracic duct, then up to my chest to focus on the important thymus, then neck, then hands above head. Breathing deeply still.
Now I dance however I well please for as long as I want!

When I am done, I like to lie on the floor on my back, with my knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and hands on my belly. Breathing deeply into the core and experiencing stillness and rest I focus on completely releasing any tension from my core. I send love and gratitude to my core. When done, I roll to the left side and push myself to sitting.

This is a very invigorating core hooping practice that will assist your body in waste elimination, releasing excess fluid, relieving congestion, detoxing your body, and enhancing your natural immunity!

The lymphatic system is best stimulated by a light rhythmic touch, so I prefer to use a lighter hoop for this benefit, my favorite is a 100 PSI 1/2 ". The deep breathing, full routine of stimulating the lymph flow from the outlet at the neck to the toes then back to the neck, and the rest at the end are all important vital elements of the optimal hoop flow for lymphatic drainage.

A daily core hoop practice will help with detox, immune functioning, and weight loss. If you have inflammed lymph nodes, I do not recommend hooping over them at that time because it could irritate them worse. When feeling ill please drink lots of water, care for your body, and get ample rest. However, a regular hoop practice will help keep your lymphatic system functioning at it's prime and keep sickness at bay!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Healing Through Hooping

Once again it seems like a lifetime since I last wrote. I've been struggling with how to maintain this blog. What is the line between "keeping it real" and "keeping it professional"? I'm not sure I know, because hooping is so intensely personal to me, while also my work. I'm hoping to find my rhythm again with writing and be true to myself in what I present.

Recently I have been struck with how intensely healing hooping, the hoop, the hoop community (the Hoop Path community for me specifically), and hoopdance can be. Each of these separately and together are powerful tools for growth and well-being. Each can offer emotional or physical health and in many cases both. Lately I have encountered personal stories(my own included) as well as published articles that relate to this topic. That being said, in my own life I can testify to how hooping has provided a space for healing physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and in ways I can not yet quantify.

In the course of the last year, Tim and I had several dear friends die unexpectedly. It seemed that we would just be coming to accept one death, when we would be hit with the next. Bright, vibrant, young, creative, amazingly gifted, beautiful men and women, gone in an instant. Death is heartbreaking, but these deaths, somehow seemed unbearably tragic.

The third one came about this past spring. This death was particularly difficult for me because like me Jane, was a young mom, a hooper, and we had a deep connection. Jane chose to end her own life. The circumstances around this choice were also strange in that everything pointed to her being happy and peaceful when she died. Her brother-in-law, the minister at the spiritual community for which Tim is music director, gave the most uplifting, hopeful eulogy I could have ever expected. Still I was saddened on a deep level by her loss and struggling to deal with it.

While I had used hooping to help with grief in the past, I felt stuck in managing the initial grief with Jane's death. Months earlier when drummer and friend, Kevin Brock, had passed it seemed natural to gather with hoops and drums as a way to honor Kevin and grieve together. I also found myself hooping in our living room to a CD of Kevin's unreleased music and this too was healing during my grief process. This time with Jane, though, I was not finding my way.

Then my dear friend and fellow Hoop Pather, Lauren C., from the DC area started checking in on me frequently. She suggested making a "grief hoop". Taking things that reminded me of Jane, that were important in my grieving process and putting them inside the tubing of the hoop. Then closing up the hoop, taping and beginning the journey of grieving through hooping with that hoop. A journey which eventually would transform the hoop from a "grief hoop" to a hoop of joy. It was a brilliant idea and one that for me was invaluable.

In early September, just on the heels of Elias's disappearance and presumed death, my best friend in NYC lost her baby in her second trimester. It was tragic, horrific, and something no parent should ever have to experience. I flew up to NY to be with her and her family a few days after it happened. I was humbled to be a part of their family during this time and so touched that they wanted me there. One night I was privileged to sit with 3 other women friends and hear the entire story, cry and listen as one friend told the story of the lotus flower, which has since become the name of the baby. Baby Lotus. Although it was not "my" loss, watching their pain, hearing their story, seeing their strength, walking with them through each day was a transformative time for me.

While in NY, I had my hoops with me and they became a source of play at times throughout the weekend, especially for their 3 1/2 yr old. I told my friend about the idea of a grief hoop and offered to make her one if it spoke to her. Mostly, though, I brought them as a security blanket for myself. An outlet in case I needed 10 minutes of active meditation. Some self-care while traveling. At this point in my hoop journey, it is hard to leave home without a hoop by my side.

Several weeks ago, she called me and told me she was changing her topic for her Facing Death class in her PhD. class to focus on hooping and grieving. She and I spent time working on the project together. I made her a grief hoop and explained some of the Hoop Path beliefs in general and specific to grieving. Lastly, she asked me to make a video to a song that has been pivotal in her family's grieving process. Making the hoop and the video where incredible experiences for me. Putting my WHOLE self into the process. The video is shown at the beginning of this blog and the hoop shown on the floor of the video. All of this was done with healing intention. And now my prayers go out, hoping that she is still continuing to flow in healing energy.

PS: For those of you receiving this via email or facebook click the link below to view the video or go to .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Anna's Message from Elias

A message from Elijah's mom Anna
Anna, the mother of Elias, has asked that we to spread this across as many places as we can around the internet. You can help us help her by passing it on. She has expressed deep gratitude for all the love shown for Elias.

Elias has been in psychic contact on a spirit-soul level with a woman who knows him and I am going to transmit to everyone what he has said. I have decided that we will all call him Elijah now. She is a friend and is not paid. She started to get this transmission last night after our prayer vigil. She says she has been in contact with him ever since she heard about this, but he has been scattered like “shards of glass.” He had to process a lot of darkness.. But, last night, she says, she was able to get a clear communication with him for several hours, and while she was telling me about it he joined us while we were on the phone.

The first thing he told her last night was that “the prayers helped me.” For those who don’t know, we had a powerful prayer and guided meditation vigil last night. And, I also said last night that Elijah was born into this world for a purpose, and that purpose is to teach love to humanity. So imagine getting this transmission today:Elias says repeatedly that what happened was like an unfortunate accident. It shouldn't have happened. The person involved needs compassion.

Elias is adamant that he wants everyone to react with love and compassion. He wants a circle of people, whoever is capable, to hold space at the same time every day for compassion meditation and to let him know what time that will be so that he can join us.

He does not want so much energy put on what happened. Put energy into love and compassion. People are digging, he says, seeking with too much frustration to find out what happened. Surrender and allow it to be revealed. Taking action is good, but don’t focus too much on seeking. [It is clear he is not against our search, but wants us to remain in control of our attitudes.]

The risks he may have taken have nothing to do with what happened. Extra drama can be created by grabbing at facts about his life, but isn’t needed. This can lead to people accusing each other. People should not dive in where it isn’t needed.

He says that this whole event is a lesson. He wants us to learn the lesson! If we focus on the wrong things we may not learn the lesson.

He wanted to let me know how much he loves me, that I touch his soul and that I was a wonderful goddess to come through. At this point he made the psychic look at roses in her garden!

He is grateful that I am open to allowing this lesson to be learned. He wants us to show love for all – not just him. And to have no vindictiveness. He wants there to be complete forgiveness.[I said I am going to write this up and put it on the internet for everyone.]

Speak from your heart Mom. Write like a Sufi, and be my muse. Be my instrument. A lute. Start it with a Sufi poem. [But I will end it that way.] You will find the perfect poem.

All will be revealed. We must be patient. Be present with love and compassion. If we allow the truth to appear in an authentic way, it allows things to shift. [I said I don’t want him to feel guilty for taking risks that might have allowed this to happen]. He said he does not feel guilty but he has had some frustration about attachments to do certain things, but it doesn’t matter

[Is he giving up?] He isn’t giving up on anything!

It was ridiculous. It shouldn’t have happened but it happened for the lesson. It was necessary for it to happen. Sometimes we have to be taught extreme lessons. We can read books but not really understand.

Elias wants us to proceed with compassion every step of the way.

Emotions need to be released, to be honored and allow them to flow through like a stream, but don’t let them constrict you. So the key is to honor your emotions without holding them inside.

He wants to raise the vibration. Use less intellect. Keep returning to the love or we will miss the lesson. The lesson is about love.

Have compassion on someone who may have had an accident with Elias.

He wants me to nurture myself and be his muse. Go find a poem and write from your heart.

A final reminder about the compassion circle.

A poem of Hafiz

The violin
Can forgive the past

It starts singing.

When the violin can stop worrying
About the future

You will become
Such a drunk laughing nuisance

That God
Will then lean down
And start combing you into
His Hair.

When the violin can forgive
Every wound caused by

The heart starts

Searching For Elias

Elias Sorokin a friend of ours has been missing for 9 days now from the Santa Cruz, CA area. It seems impossible to blog about anything else. He and his mom, in particular, along with all of the large community of family and friends searching for him are constantly in my heart on my mind. I've include a link to a facebook group dedicated to finding Elias and will be posting another blog specifically with a message that Anna, Elias' mom, has asked that we spread widely. Please read both and pass them along. I am copying the poem Anna chose here, so that we can all reflect on love and light and pass it along.

A poem of Hafiz


The violin

Can forgive the past

It starts singing.

When the violin can stop worrying

About the future

You will become

Such a drunk laughing nuisance

That God

Will then lean down

And start combing you into

His Hair.

When the violin can forgive

Every wound caused by


The heart starts


Monday, July 20, 2009

Everyday we choose.

Hi Friends...I've been gone for awhile, amidst some changes in life, but I'm back and ready to write again. Hope some (or all) of you are still out there. Sorry for the long hiatus!

My mom forwarded this email to me today and it completely resonated with how I "try" to live. I don't always succeed for sure, but it is what I believe. I believe that life is about the choices we make. We can choose happiness or a life of misery. I know it is not that simple, but in many ways it is. There are always unfortunate things that happen to people....sometimes really, really horrible events, but if we are able to come out of them alive, perhaps even find meaning in them, but more importantly in time let go of them, then we can continue to choose happiness or peace of mind. It's in the holding on and the anger and discontentment that we get stuck. It reminds me of the old saying "Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die". I can't remember how many times I've done that... ughh.

I'm not pretending to have all the answers here, because A) I'm not that pretentious and B) who does?, but I do know that this has worked for me and I hope it might help someone out there who might happen upon this blog. I try to teach my children that they have choices everyday. They can choose to pick up their toys and move on to the next fun activity or choose to go to their room. One option will most likely bring some happy moments, the other probably tears. Well, I've gone on too long ;-). Here is a copy of the email. It gets the point across much better.

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.

His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.

As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window. 'I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.

Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait. ''That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied. Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged .. it's how I arrange my mind.

I already decided to love it.' It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away..

Just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in. So,my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1.. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

The Flow Show

I was privileged to be among some of the most amazing spinners and objects manipulators at the first "Flow Show" held at CounterPulse in San Francisco in April, as part of the Bay Area National Dance Week. It was a confluence of energy that left me breathless and wanting more and desiring to learn and grow in many ways. I am eternally grateful to Khan, the main instigator of the event, who put countless hours and money to make this dream happen. Also, my sisters in the hoop Melissa, Beth and Mary who help in the creation of the dance I performed, and of course my beautiful family for making it work so I could go on such a trip. Gratitude abounds.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Class Tuesday, February 17th at Ladies Fitness and Wellness

"Our arms start from the back because they were once wings."
** Martha Graham

This week we will continue working on core hooping while incorporating our arms and hands (aka, our birds). Class will be structured with exercises that are useful in gaining balance and strength as we explore are arm movements, while maintaining a solid core rhythm with the hoop. Using your arms and hands can open up your dance to a whole world of possibilities.

If you are just getting worries...there is plenty of fun for you too!! This class is geared for all levels of hoopers. Whether this is your first spin or you're flowing like a soft breeze, there is space for you to learn, grow and have fun.

I'm excited to expand my birds and fly with you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thoughts on Being

Guest House

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond


I used this poem last night in class. It is a favorite of mine for many reasons. Mostly though, it reminds me of the importance of acceptance and just being still. Allowing thoughts, feelings, actions to happen without judgement, but instead with a welcoming of the growth and knowledge that can come from fully living each moment.

When hooping, if one adopts this philosophy, it allows for greater learning and less self-criticism. It can allow the hooper to fully open his/herself to the experience and grow exponentially. For example, the hoop begins to fall to the floor and the hooper in this mindset says, "OK, the hoop started falling when I took large steps, let's see if I can take smaller steps and still keep it going." vs. saying, " I just can't do this. I'm always dropping the hoop. This is so frustrating." The first statement allows the hooper to just be in the moment, feel the hoop as it falls, and then start the next moment with the smaller steps. The second statement closes the hooper off to learning and exploring new ways of being in the hoop.

What amazing freedom comes from not suppressing uncomfortable feelings, thoughts etc., but from just observing them, letting them be and realizing that they do not determine who we are. They do not have power over us, but are merely a guest WE have invited in for a visit. Someone to teach us, to guide us, to help us become more fully human.

So you see in my world everything somehow relates back to hooping...or Buffy The Vampire Slayer (but that's another blog) ;-) .

Monday, February 9, 2009

Class Tuesday, February 10Th at Ladies Fitness and Wellness

This week in class we will once again work on Point exercises. Noticing the point of contact the hoop makes with one's body and spending time "listening" and "focusing" on the point. We will use several exercises to help engage with and manipulate the point and see where it takes us in our individual hoop journeys. Finally, the question that has been lingering, "What do I do with my hands?" will be answered!! You surely will not want to miss out on that answer ;-) It will be a great class of exploration, opening up your hoop practice, as well as deeping your practice. So many things at once!

This class is definitely suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. Whether you have never picked up a hoop before or have been spinning for years, you are sure to have fun and fine tune your skills.

I'll see you there!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Flow Show

On April 24Th, 2009, in San Francisco, I will be performing in a show with other flow artists with a myriad of talents. This concept was sparked by Khan, my friend and fellow hooper (along with other talents).

How did I get lulled into this show...traveling across the country to perform for free? Well it's all rather serendipitous really. Myself and several other hooping friends had gone to watch the winter dance performance at a local school. This performance is well know in the area as being quite outstanding. In fact, it is so good that we had to go to the dress rehearsal because you generally can not get seats for the actual performance nights. The show was breathtaking. During the brief intermission, we began talking excitedly about the possibility of a group of us doing something similar, with or without hoops. What would it be like to choreograph some dance pieces and then put on a show for whomever came? We all love movement. We all can obviously move. We could do this, it would be beautiful and amazing. I left the event feeling energized and thrilled at the idea of performing dance with my hoop or possibly without.

When I came home that night and checked before bed, Khan had written a post. It began by saying: " Have you ever wondered if your performance was not fire and was not glow, if you had a blank stage, dance/theater lighting available, any kind of music you want and the freedom to fully express your inner reality in a dance with your prop, and if you were creating this for an audience that was there specifically to watch you flow — not to party/dance, not for a fashion show, not to benefit anything (except themselves and those performing) and most definitely not to watch a Man burn — what would you do? I suspect it would look different from your usual party/burn performance, but it might not (pushing into a new way seems more fun). I’d love for us to discover which it was (and sometimes why).”

I thought, wow, Khan must have been there with us in spirit, read our minds. After several responses to his blog, he came up with The Flow Show. I felt so drawn and called to be there. I don't know how we (my family and I) worked it out, but we did and I'm going to follow this dream and participate in what should prove to be a phenomenal presentation of the flow arts.

For My Subscribers

Hi there faithful subscribers!! I've noticed that when I write a post with a video embedded in it, and it is sent out to email addresses, the video seems to be left out. This is the case with the post yesterday, titled Hoops not Bombs. My blog was actually as response to the video, but those of you who automatically receive the blog via email most likely never saw the video. So in the future I will try to remember to not only embed videos, but also post the link, and my friends you may want to go directly to my site, , to read the actual post. This way we are covered on both ends ;-).

Thanks for reading. Much Love to all of you!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hoops Not Bombs

I have often thought, and on a few occasions said, that if every person had a hoop then there would be peace. I know this is a naive statement, for surely we would still have conflicts with one another. We are after all human, but I truly believe that we would be happier, more centered and willing to accept those different from ourselves. I've seen this happen time and time again when a person picks a hoop for the first time, or the 1000th time. That look of bliss, the look of "ahhh, so this is what everyone has been talking about", the look of inner peace...even if just for a moment. I've seen the hoop bring joy to my son as an infant and to grandfathers on the Weaver Street Lawn. Hooping has no age limit; no race, gender, or sexual orientation cares, it is only their to be embraced by those fortunate enough to find its magic. Will the world be saved by the hoop? I don't know, but it needs to be saved by something.

"There is a force in the Universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results." Mahatama Gandhi

Monday, February 2, 2009

Class Tuesday, February 3rd at Ladies Fitness and Wellness

This week in class we will be continuing to hone in on our "listening" skills that we began last week. Listening to our bodies, to our hoop, to the music, to the rhythms surrounding us, and hearing the harmony between them. These are skill that are important to come back to time and time again in each person's hoop practice.

As we continue to listen, we will focus in on the body sensations and feeling of the hoop as it moves around our core. Using a HoopPath technique, called Point, we can begin to have a better understanding of the hoop's rhythm and path and learn to gain more control by focusing on the point contact the hoop makes with our body. This technique also allows for more creativity of movement and some off body hooping.

And as always, we will have A LOT of fun!! Hoops are provided. I can't wait to see you there!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inaugural Hoop Class at Ladies Fitness and Wellness

Last night was the inaugural (wonderful word given the time of year) hoop class at Ladies Fitness and Wellness. We had an awesome time! In attendance, were 21 beautiful women, each with their own rhythms and movements to bring to the hoop. We spent the majority of the class working on basic core hooping at the waist, as most of the women had not picked up a hoop since childhood, if ever. It was fantastic to see each person find their own connection, struggles, bliss and more within the space of the hoop and the studio.

One of the things that I love about hooping is that anyone can do it. I mean anyone. In the HoopPath, there is a concept that Baxter talks about as a sort of fundemental to hooping. This is the "Belief, Strength, Grace" concept. It is true in hooping as it is in life (I'm finding most things are). One must first have the belief that they can do something, in hooping that they can accomplish "a move". The belief is the essence to all else, once it is established then comes building the strength. In reference to last night's class for some this strength means continuing to work just on increasing the amount of "flight time" (time spent with in the hoop) on the waist, for others it may be becoming fluent in both currents, and others it may just be having the stregth to pick the hoop back up each time it falls and sustain the belief that it will stay up longer and longer the more you try. Grace comes later, with fluidity of movement and thought. Last night was beautiful watching others begin to find their way into this dance.

I look forward to seing what next week brings for this group of hoopers and for me as an instructor. I am reminded of a the parenting philosphy that we are using, reminding us that we should be happy when our kids make mistakes or do something "wrong" because these are the learning moments that will last a lifetime. Isn't this true for all of us? We are each climbing up this mountain at our own pace, taking time to enjoy the beauty surrounding us, perhaps falling back a bit, but always working toward that acension that will make us better hoopers and better people.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Owning a "Move"

photo from

Over the last several years as hooping has become more mainstream, or perhaps as the number of hoopers on has increased, there has on occasion been a thread written about the idea of hoop moves and ownership. For example, was there truly someone out there that was the first person to do an isolation, a barrel roll, a sky/earth angle etc. I've always struggled with this idea of ownership or firsts for many reasons. The main reason being that the hoop is an ancient tool/toy that can be dated to 1000BC in Egypt ( .That being said can we really be so arrogant to think that in all these thousands of years no one else has been creative enough to come up with the hooping moves of today? There are also circus performers, gymnasts and others who have used the hoop in current times, and all though they may not be a part of the flow arts, they certainly have played with and used hoops enough to have explored many of the techniques we currently use.
So that is the soapbox I have sat on for many, many months....years even.

The last month or so is where the self exploration begins. Several months ago, perhaps it was even back in late summer, I can't remember time has played tricks with me this past year; I was at a Weds. night class at the DoJhang. Baxter was having us work on two tree technique, specifically moving our feet. Something I've been doing for along time is accentuating my foot movements, pretending almost to be a ballerina, in my desire to really "dance" as I hoop. I've never had an formal dance training, but I was your typical little girl who closed her bedroom door, turned up the music and danced her ass off in solitude. I never really grew out of that, or out of the idea of being a dancer. Hooping has allowed me to play with that dream.

As the class went on Bax mentioned that as your balance got better you could begin to "draw" with you feet like Bonnie was doing. It felt good to be noticed. I know that we all like feedback in his classes as we joke about it from time to time. In my daily practice I continued this style of dance as I had been. Unfortunately the economy was getting worse and worse and gas kept increasing, and hard decisions needed to be made. So I decided to take some time off from class and my general trips into town. It was just too expensive and we really needed to keep a tight budget.

After a couple months, I resumed classes again and Baxter was teaching this method of "drawing" regularly. I wasn't sure what to make of it. I thought I was the master at this move, not the student. I felt robbed....I thought, "dude he stole my move"....uuhhummm, yep knocked right off my high horse. I was having this huge inner turmoil. Why did I have such attachment to this "move"? I've seen tons of other hoopers move their feet. I am surely....I mean surely... not the first to move my feet in this way...hello hooping is called a "flow art"...flow can't flow if you aren't moving. Yet, still I was struggling inside with the idea that he was teaching "my move". I so badly wanted to reconcile this with in myself.

Then Monday night in class I went in and told myself I would be an open book. I was there to learn. Baxter is my teacher. I am the student. During the entire class I let go of attachment to anything regarding my hooping. I allowed myself to just be. Just be a hooper. Just learn. Listen. Open. It was one of the best classes I've had in a very long time. I learned a lot, especially as Baxter taught about drawing. Mostly I learned more about myself. About my judgments of others, about my own attachment, and about my need for approval. The hoop, a tool, a toy, an instrument for great growth, both inner and outer. Once again I am blessed by its sacred geometry.

Monday's class was the bow on a package of yuck which I was trying to let go. Nice metaphor huh? Really though, I had been needing to release this attachment, needing to learn, and needing to face my own judgments of others that have felt similarly. Once again facing my humanness. While I strive to be "Maidan", "Haven", these are aspirations...beautiful aspirations, great aspirations, but not a place that I am. I am human, with faults, idiosyncrasies, and many areas to grow. I love that the hoop, my hooping community, my family, the greater community is constantly challenging me. How boring life would be without constant growth. To be stagnant, would be like death. Thank you all for helping me grow. Thank you to my hoop, my dance partner, for always pushing me to new illuminations.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bringing in the New Year

New Year's Eve and the days leading up to it were very special this year, as we spent them with our dear friends from NYC, Tiffany, Brian and their son Kadin. Over the past several years we have tried to vacation together once a year and visit at other times throughout the year. Both of our families have similar financial situations with make for perfect vacation partners...the motto, keep it simple and very fun. This past year we both had a lot of things, financially and emotionally on our plates that did not allow for us to get together at all, except for an emergency visit from Tiff in the depths of my post partum depression. It was so wonderful and special to spend these few days with them before New Years and then to ring in the New Year with them.

On New Years Eve, magically, all of the kids were in bed before 7pm. How this happened, I have know idea, except that God, the universe, someone knew we all needed this time together without the kids. Tiffany suggested that we each speak of the worst part of 2008 and the best part of 2008 and then when we were done we would talk about our aspirations for 2009. It was an extremely cathartic evening. Ushering out demons that had haunted me quietly because I had been to afraid to speak them openly. Hearing clearly others thoughts and feelings and how they differed or affected my own. We all laughed and cried and grew closer to each other. Then we affirmed each others dreams for 2009 and further. It was completely raw, beautiful and honest. And I was once again reminded what a "true" friend is.

Last night was our annual HoopPath fire for the New Year. I wasn't sure that I would have much to say, being that I had really said what I needed to on New Year's Eve. So with Tim's help, I brought a hoop made out of wisteria branches with pieces of paper intertwined. On each piece of paper was written something I had talked about on New Year's Eve. Things I was ushering out, things I was grateful for, aspirations for the future. I spoke briefly of a few of these things and then read an email that I had written to Beth and Mary on River's the exact moment of his birth. I think this was truly what I wanted to offer. To acknowledge them publicly for their amazing friendship and also to say thanks to all of my friends for their support over the last year. I feel the need to do that once more here. So I will copy the letter below:

Hi My Dear Dear Friends,

Do you remember where you were exactly one year ago today? You, Tim, Sarah, Ellen and me were in the process of birthing a beautiful baby boy. And you, Tim, me and a host of others began a long journey to bring both he and me to a healthy place a year from when I stood in the bathroom of the birthing center...sure he would never be born, but having the most incredible support to carry me through and encourage me despite the exhaustion. Now this silly boy sits here with me still nursing happily at my breast and I feel so much gratitude to his godmama and earthmama (the two of you).for your strength when mine was faltering, for your constant love and friendship, for giving me a place to go through labor, for standing by me and my family. I love you both immensely.

Tonight I will look through all the amazing pictures Beth took of the whole experience....what an great record for me to remember (and although you face does not appear in the photos, you are in everyone because you took so much care in shooting them). I don't know how to properly thank anyone for the gifts over the past year, but in particular, my two amazing Maidan sisters who carried me like Ahna carried Saza on her back.
Love to you both always, but especially today.
Bonnie (and River Song)

So I suppose I've rambled quite a bit in this post. And what does it have to do with hooping you may ask? Well from my perspective everything. Like the hoop, the year has come full circle, and now we begin again...or continue on in the journey. The miracle of the circle, of the hoop. No beginning, no end. Just a journey that we all are on, the question being how do you choose to travel on that journey?